pair hue motion sensor

And state.lastupdated has been updated. Indeed, that's a whole lot of messages. And it seems to be working: the sensor continues to report Occupancy for the specified number of seconds. I'm looking for a zigbee motion sensor that can basically switch back to inactive around 5 seconds. Yeah, I couldn't find an attribute for config.sensitivity or config.sensitivitymax. I could probably create a PR for the API side, but I still feed a bit uncomfortable with the ZigBee side. In the mean time Im trying to find out as much as possible ready for its arrival and migration from ST to HE. The motion sensor is completely wireless, and runs on a pair of AAA batteries. For that the manufacturer specific clusters (>= 0xFC00) are used. Tap on the round plus button down in the … Yeah, I couldn't find an attribute for config.sensitivity or config.sensitivitymax. Next, install your smart lights and the Hue Motion Sensor. Question/Help. Yes new installations always will use this path, older installations used different paths which were created by different Qt versions, which was a pain in the neck to discover :-) deCONZ takes care of it and will either use an existing older path or create a new one as above. Apparently the above messages were caused by the GUI discovering the motion sensor. Cool, the sensitivity attributes are very interesting, read/write of them could be integrated similar to the occupied to unoccupied delay. I assume zclFrame::setManufacturerCode() (found in /usr/include/deconz/zcl.h) will do the trick here? However they can be written through C++ deCONZ::ZclFrame class by using the setManufacturerCode method when initializing the ZCL write attributes command. Hue Motion Sensor Gateway is a Control4 driver for the Phillips Hue Motion Sensors. However I couldn't figure out to set the ontime which normally is achieved by setting the 0x0406 / PIR occupied to unoccupied delay attribute. Have fun! The rest API (as well as the Wireless Light Control web app) is now at port 8080 instead of port 80. Pair it with your other Smart Home devices like Nest or SmartThings system. @manup, what about reading/writing manufacturer-specific commands from the deCONZ GUI (see #20 (comment))? The battery level is exposed in each sensor resource. @manup, what about reading/writing manufacturer-specific commands from the deCONZ GUI (see #20 (comment))? I dragged the dimmer's On/Off cluster (0x0006) from the ZLL endpoint (0x01) to the Source box. However, when I trigger the motion sensor, the Hue bridge state is updated and the REST API state isn't. The new value seems to be written to the motion sensor anyway. And these log files can be loaded into WireShark - I just needed to configure the network key there as well. It would be übercool to do something similar for the ZigBee devices. I guess the motion sensor simply doesn't support this (cf. The Osram lights allow setting the power-on default, I think they might use the FC0F cluster for that. After unbinding the sensor or switch from the Hue bridge, deCONZ will create the bindings to the RaspBee automatically after a restart. I would love to create the rules on the deconz gateway, but i don't know how. I also notice that the dimmer only sends 0x00 commands to the 0xfc00 cluster on the Hue bridge - no sign of the group On, Off, nor Move to level commands to 0x0006 and 0x0008 clusters. Sorry, I meant the duration attribute in the ZHAPresence sensor's config. Is there a way to reset them back to port 80? Sorry, I meant the duration attribute in the ZHAPresence sensor's config. Try and automate the binding/unbinding through the RESP API rules, so I can switch my sensors between the Hue bridge and the deCONZ rest API; create binding between power configuration cluster and gateway (to start battery attribute reporting), configure the power configuration attribute reporting for the related attribute, create binding between 0xfc00 cluster and gateway (custom Philips cluster which sends button events). Yes the RaspBee is not made for sniffing in first place, for that the USB dongle ConBee is more appropriate, it can be used on desktop PC with the BitCatcher sniffer and soon Wireshark. The uniqueid issue for motion sensor is addressed in the upcoming update, I've stumbled over the same thing :) presence, button events and rules in general are also refactored. Polling sleeping end devices is very challenging, In fact it should only be done immediately after receiving a command from the device. In that case, I think the deCONZ rest API should mimic the Hue bridge behaviour as much as possible. When you use Philips Hue with Samsung SmartThings, you can control and automate all of your smart home devices — doorbells, blinds, smart plugs, Philips Hue lights, and more — simultaneously from the Samsung SmartThings app. The sensor is still bound to the Hue bridge though: periodic updates only appear there. I noticed this too. The ZXXPresence attributes need some more ZigBee sniffing on how the hue bridge configures the sensor, these are mostly proprietary ZigBee commands. Model: 461012; UPC: 046677455286 That's it. In ST IDE you can see if a device is local based or cloud based processing - is that possible in HE? Hopefully this will work with ST out of the gate or quickly thereafter. Yes, please. But I can image that the apiversion could be raised in future and missing features will gracefully return a not implemented error code. That's an impressive list, the biggest help would be if you can test sensors, switches and rules with your homebridge plugin and our next deCONZ beta release. Beside polling deCONZ tries to be clever and extracts on/off, brightness and scene calls from commands send by switches and sensors, and applies them to local lights attributes. Yes, of course, I meant attributes. Please let me know if that works for you or if you'd prefer issues. Please let me know if I can help. Put hub into 'discovering device'. Also, the deCONZ GUI no longer shows a battery symbol on the motion sensors and dimmer switches. As far as I can tell it works: touchlink is no longer initiated when holding the On button, button events still work, and the group from the web app still works. Same here, but data written is 0x000b, not 0x0008. Leave the Binder at the sensor and press Bind... failed: timeout, and later a failed: not supported. Now it does, maybe I'm mistaken or maybe the Hue bridge re-establishes the binding. Cool. The value of the sensorstate.lastupdated differs from the Hue bridge: Edit I'll leave the network open tonight (found /config/networkopenduration) and see if deCONZ finds my other motion sensors as well. This duration (in minutes) is the time between the sensor reporting presence as false and HomeKit showing Motion Detected as Clear. Yes the sensor can be used without bridge, you need to create a ZigBee binding between OnOff Cluster 0x0006 and the targeted group in the deCONZ Bind Dropbox. Same for the Hue dimmer switch (ZHASwitch vs ZLLSwitch). I definitely need to do some more testing... Hi, you can now try the new beta release, the sensor should now work similar to the original implementation: Many Zigbee compliant smart controls can be paired to a Philips Hue bridge. The thing is, after the reset the hue bridge binding was removed too, you can try and re-create it manually between hue bridge and dimmer switch cluster 0xfc00 as source. One side node, maybe you've noticed already, the sniffer logs can also be safed as *.dcf files, is quite handy to look later at them. Thanks for your answer @ebaauw. The Hue bridge is no longer updated on a button press. During setup phase this is solved with the fast poll handler. In the deCONZ GUI, opened the Bind Dropbox. If i control the Motion Sensor and a Bulb with the hue Bridge, i have a delay from 1 second between enter the room and the light goes on. Double-checking the BitCatcher log, the Hue bridge never attempted to read these attributes. I'm working on a solution which corrects the missing bindings on the fly for already registered switches. Different colour gamuts, colour temperature changes, older firmware in Osram lights than don't turn off with transitiontime > 0 (which is the default), innr lights that hang on "alert": "select". You're right, of course. The battery seems exposed only in the ZHALight. So i have a clue. devices (note the question mark) in deCONZ and the rest API plugin shows them as ZHAPresence, whereas the Hue bridge shows them as ZLLPresence. For starters, I've documented the endpoints and clusters that deCONZ reports for my devices. v2.04.76 introduces config.pending for updating the config attributes. Do I need to edit RaspBee's endpoint first and add a 0x0006 In cluster? Motion turns on the light and starts a timer. Later commits fix config.duration and attribute reporting for config.ledindication and config.usertest. Is the ulimit for core dumps enabled on your RPi? It was a while ago. Meaning: is we'd set this value, this would break the group for the dimmer that deCONZ creates. The Philips Hue bridge shows the Hue motion sensor as three sensor resources, one ZLLLightLevel (the 0400 cluster), one ZLLTemperature (the 0402 cluster) and one ZLLPresence (the 0406) cluster. In session.default in ~/.local/share/dresden-elektronik/deCONZ (the directory got recreated at a different path?) Do you have an estimation when this might be available? Incidentally, Hue lights don't support attribute reporting. One of my dimmers is bound to the RaspBee, but when I hold the On button, it goes into touchlink modus and linked with the two nearest lights. In the debug log, I only see messages for binding the 0x0001 cluster of the dimmer switch. Good catch, I put it on the list, should be easy to adjust. Motion (contact open/closed) Temperature (degrees Celsius or Fahrenheit) Light Intensity (lux and intensity level 0..10) Programmable using events, variables and conditions. the motion sensor integration as well as general switch improvements like button events will be available in the github repo soon, I don't see the Hue tap ZGP switches in the deCONZ network view, but that's probably to be expected? Now ulimit -c is also unlimited for user pi. Run in, run out. 3-Year Warranty with Starter Kit and 2-Year Warranty with Motion Sensor. We will also roll out basic Websocket support for events. I ran into some funny issues regarding light names. Right now i'm using ST's motion sensor which has about a 25 seconds blind spot. Sorry, I meant touchlinking. Experience the right ambiance during different times of your day with your motion sensor. The ZLL and ZHA doesn't add any value here, soon there will be ZigBee 3.0 devices. Yes that's expected behaviour, since the entries are no longer in the database, the device is not known to the rest plugin. In session.default in ~/.local/share/dresden-elektronik/deCONZ (the directory got recreated at a different path?) In 2019 the outdoor motion sensor was released. However I couldn't figure out to set the ontime which normally is achieved by setting the 0x0406 / PIR occupied to unoccupied delay attribute. The motion sensor appears to have a binding to the Hue bridge. For example the order of keys in a object should never be taken as granted since order is arbitrary in JSON and every parser and serializer might handle it differently. deCONZ is started automatically after booting up the Raspberry Pi, but the RaspBee is not in the Network. Sign in The kit also contains a quick-start […] No additional message, no core dump. Like the motion sensor, the dimmer comes with a button battery (CR2450) pre-installed. While interacting with the GUI, deCONZ crashed once, with a segmentation fault. These do life peacefully beside the 0xfc00 commands send to the gateway. First impressions: libEGL warning: DRI2: failed to authenticate, When starting deCONZ, it gives a messge: Shutdown en powered off the Raspberry Pi (to reset the RaspBee board). The RESP API now creates a ZHATemperature sensor resource for the Hue Motion sensor, in addition to the ZHALight, ZHAPresence, and ZHASwitch sensor resources. One of the charms of json over XML is that json is also human readable (sort of). @Krocko, I have implemented Duration in homebridge-hue (see ebaauw/homebridge-hue#71), because the Hue API doesn't support config.duration. state.buttonevent and state.lastupdated are now updated when I press a button, and it even also shows config.battery. If you create a rule on the Hue bridge, to turn the light on when the Hue motion sensor detects motion, there should be no (additional) noticeable delay for the light turning on (apart from the time it takes the motion sensor to wakeup). Is there a way to clean the database and do a rediscovery from scratch? If you create a HomeKit automation, to turn the light on when the Hue motion sensor detects motion, with both light and motion sensor connected to a deCONZ gateway, there would be no noticeable delay, because deCONZ sends a push notification to homebridge-hue. Try all the native HE apps first though. How compatible do you want to be with the Philips Hue API? Already on GitHub? Indeed, I found a ZHASwitch sensor for my Hue bridge as well. Now the funny part: the ZHAPresence sensor resource of one of the other motion sensors (which was previously discovered by the REST API) gets updated periodically in deCONZ, as if its still bound to the RaspBee, at least for periodic attribute reporting. Most lights don't support reporting, deCONZ will poll these from time to time, it's not that fast and will improve a lot in the next releases. Is there a setting in general.xml to make the deCONZ GUI include the Manufacturer code? Then I dragged the RaspBee's ZHA endpoint (0x01) to the Destination box. I would like to adapt my homebridge plugin for the Philips Hue bridge to work with deCONZ and maybe in the long run ditch the Hue bridge all together. presence, button events and rules in general are also refactored. While we're at this, is there a way to hack the database, so I can assign the same numbers to the lights, sensors, etc as on my Hue bridge? If at any time, you run in again, motion starts the timer (or resets it back, if that's easier to follow). However, on Bind I get a failed: not supported message. Re-entered the ZLL Link Key, and joined the network. While interacting with the GUI, deCONZ crashed once, with a segmentation fault. I've found zigbee channels 20 - 22 the best to use so it might be worth assigning this channel when you first power up. One of my reasons to buy the RaspBee was to do some ZigBee sniffing, but that seems a lot more work than I had hoped - needing a different firmware on the RaspBee, if I understand correctly. Do I need to set something else? For two of my innr UC 110 lights, deCONZ doesn't read the Simple Descriptor(s). Same here, but data written is 0x000b, not 0x0008. No change in behaviour for the Living Room motion sensor, good! The client on/off cluster (0x0006) for example automatically triggers the creation of an ZHASwitch. The hue motion sensor ZHASwitch will be discarded in the next update but the other ones need to be deleted manually for now. I have a Hue motion sensor but have never had a Hue Bridge. However, WebSocket all of a sudden sends two events for Kitchen motion sensor ZHAPresence resource. I deleted the entire ~/.local/share/data/dresden-elektronik/deCONZ directory, unplugged my Hue bridge from power, and power-cycled the RasPi in an attempt to get rid of any ghosts. Yeah, I saw that, and actually used that already in my tests. With the Hue motion sensor in HE - is that local based processing or cloud based the same was custom DTHs are in ST? Once again, the deCONZ GUI is happily discovering my lights, Hue motion sensors, and Hue dimmer switches. I've started a Wiki page for that - I don't think listing every deviation as an issue would be manageable. This video shows how to connect the IKEA TRÅDFRI Remote Control to a Philips Hue Bridge. PR #137 sets the 0x0000/0x0031 attribute to 0x000b when the dimmer is paired (i.e. Before, these fields would be populated, after which the REST API would create the corresponding resources. Can anyone please show me, how such an config looks like? It was a while ago. Restarted deCONZ. The Hue motion sensor supports the PIR Occupied to Unoccupied Delay attribute. I've worked on some improvements to also configure switches which are already part of the network. I would like to see a modelid in config, to recognise deCONZ vs the gen-1 (BSB001) and the gen-2 (BSB002) Hue bridge. National holiday (King's birthday), so time for some serious testing... Powered off the Hue bridge, started deCONZ, reset one of the motion sensors, opened the network through Wireless Light Control. The ZXXLightLevel state.daylight, state.dark, config.tholddark and config.tholdoffset attributes might be implemented in future but personally I think this should be handled in the app, consider two apps with different opinions about these values. When I try to write to it, I get an error. Note however, it would never be quicker than a rule on the deCONZ gateway. (using BitCatcher with Conbee). Is there a debug switch that would make deCONZ dump the configuration of the devices it discovers? This is done by pressing and holding in the reset button on the back of the sensor until the LED blinks red I think. The buttonevent -1 and missing of battery is very likely because the dimmer switch was already be registered before the 2.04.40 update. These aren't ZigBee attributes I assume Philips implements them as manufacturer specific extensions (which is allowed by ZigBee). The problem is that your switch is missing two bindings which are created then registering the hue dimmer switch during setup. One of my reasons to buy the RaspBee was to do some ZigBee sniffing, but that seems a lot more work than I had hoped - needing a different firmware on the RaspBee, if I understand correctly. Could the Hue motion sensor be limited to a single binding? The Hue Motion Sensor cannot reside on your Hue Bridge and SmartThings hub at the same time. That looks promising. I also notice that the dimmer only sends 0x00 commands to the 0xfc00 cluster on the Hue bridge - no sign of the group On, Off, nor Move to level commands to 0x0006 and 0x0008 clusters. I'm not a big fan of it but I guess in future we might use a white-list for supported devices. Do I have to unpair from the Hue Hub to be able to pair it with Hubitat? Another model we like is the Philips Hue Motion Sensor (Zigbee), which can now pair directly to an Echo Plus or Echo Show (2nd Gen) without needing a Philips Hue Smart Hub. For all sensor resources, the state is updated periodically and when I manually refresh the corresponding cluster in the deCONZ, looking better! No change in behaviour of the motion sensors, good! This is on top of any config.duration (in seconds) set in deCONZ, which is the time between the sensor no longer detecting motion and reporting presence as false. In the deCONZ GUI, the Model, Vendor, and Version of the Hue motion sensor remain blank in the Node List, even after I manually read the attributes of the Basic cluster. Probably need to hook that in from the fast poll handler as well? Use a pin to press the button behind the safety hole for 10 seconds, a reset will be confirmed by a fast blinking led indicator. First open your Philips hue application and go to Settings/Accessory Setup. the Hue doesn't update lastupdated for that cluster anymore. Before these resources where created automatically, without any search for devices. Set up Dimmer Switch. I think it's quite nice being inter-operable also on the app level. you need to reset and re-pair the dimmer for the attribute to be set). Here I show how to pair the Ikea Tradfri Motion Sensor and bulbs with a Philips Hue bridge to allow motion sensing for the bulbs while still having Hue control so you can control the bulb(s) withe the Hue app and other integrated systems such as Alexa or Google home for voice control. Apparently the switch can only handle one binding at a time? It might provide additional attributes, but it should deliver the same attributes as the Hue bridge, possibly using different values. See also my remarks about UPnP discovery. The sensor clusters remain bound to the RaspBee and the REST API resources continue to be updated automatically. For lights it's much easier since they are always listing to RF signals but battery powered devices are sleeping most of the time after setup phase — reconfiguring after that will most likely fail or be error prone. When paired with deCONZ, it sends the buttonevents to the gateway, the On command to the group, and, after a few seconds, it initiates a touchlink to create a standalone network with a light, as it would when in factory new state. I have a Hue Motion Sensor paired to a Hue Hub. When paired with the Hue bridge, the Hue dimmer just sends button events to the bridge while holding the On button*. The Hue motion sensors show as HA? I plan to import my entire Hue bridge configuration to deCONZ and document all incompatibilities I encounter. I need to improve that so that polling better handles the sleeping states. However, after the initial setting of the state, it not updated anymore. I think exactly that's the case since unlike other switches these bindings aren't there by default. One of the great thing about the Philips Hue system are the switches that you can set up with the system toking over your old light switch, however what about sensors, we review the Hue Motion Sensor that will take your home lighting to a whole new level. Do you want apps for the Philips Hue to work with deCONZ? This does lead to some new insight: the changed event of the other motion sensor is probably caused by of the 0x0001 cluster attribute reporting - not by the 0x0406 attribute reporting. The Hue Dimmer switches now have a state.buttonevent attribute, but the value is -1 and doesn't change when pressing a button. I now get a core dump when I kill the process. Incidently, the Hue bridge calls this type ZLLLightLevel, so I thing deCONZ should use ZHALightLevel. Help & Questions. As workaround putting the battery out-and-in again should fix it till I figure out how to correct it on the fly, it's a bit more tricky than for the switch. Also, the deCONZ GUI no longer shows a battery symbol on the motion sensors and dimmer switches. For editing the file you can use tools like sqliteman which provides a nice GUI. Adding the Philips Hue Motion sensor to your hue bridge is very similiar to adding a hue dimmer switch. Let's try the other clusters. deCONZ figured out my groups and scenes from the lights - I'm quite impressed. While we're at this, is there a way to hack the database, so I can assign the same numbers to the lights, sensors, etc as on my Hue bridge? The REST API only supports bindings for the On/Off, Level and Scene clusters. I can pair to HUE hub and not add to any HUE room, and do it in Home App, but if I add a rule in Home or in 3rd party App (like Hesperus), the motion sensor doesn’t trigger any action (rule already setup). I've started a Wiki page for that - I don't think listing every deviation as an issue would be manageable. New Philips Hue Motion Sensor. (detail: Timer is either count up or count down. libEGL warning: DRI2: failed to authenticate. Pair Hue smart lights for automation with your existing Nest or SmartThings system, and enjoy voice controlled lighting using Amazon Alexa, Apple HomeKit, or Google Assistant. I'll try and reset one of the motion sensors tomorrow. Thats an example of variation, which should have zero impact on applications. Yes, I've noticed. I've only been able to change the PIR Occupied to Unoccupied Delay value once, however, maybe I need to reset the motion sensor before it accepts a new value. Meaning: is we'd set this value, this would break the group for the dimmer that deCONZ creates. Features. Not yet? Also how do I pair it with Hubitat if am able? @bobbles my HE hub has been ordered and is in the process of being shipped. The symbol will be refactored to show battery status of the ZCL Power cluster. @ebaauw: If i have the Philips motion sensor in deconz and use it in HomeKit via your plugin, can you say how long is the delay? In fact the hue dimmer switch does the same to provide the buttonevents to the gateway. One of the accessories you can buy is the Philips Hue motion sensor for smart lights and it is what you would expect, a sensor that can be used to monitor motion, if you go into a room or something moves triggering the sensor you can make your lights turn on or off if you wish. Away lights on/off, curtains opening and closing etc. When the timer gets to "zero", lights off. Comparing the BitCatcher logs: the Hue bridge specified Manufacturer code: 0x100b, but the deCONZ GUI didn't. It has lost the ZLL Link Key, but the other network parameters (PAN ID, channel, NWK address) have been saved to non-volatile memory. The changes will be available in a few days. The REST API is discovering the lights, groups, and scenes automatically, but no resources are being created for the Hue motion sensors and Hue dimmer switches. The problem here, is that if you run into a room and run out (under 25 seconds), my piston's won't fire to off the lights. Interesting: they also expose 0019 OTAU where innr told me explicitly that their firmware cannot be updated over the air. I would like to see a modelid in config, to recognise deCONZ vs the gen-1 (BSB001) and the gen-2 (BSB002) Hue bridge. Philips Hue motion sensor. Now, for the bindings... Restarted deCONZ --dbg-info=1. To pair to HE reset the sensor. The ZHA/ZLL thing is a little mess, I would like to just remove the prefix and replace it with ZBSwitch or just Switch but this might break running apps. The Hue bridge state still isn't updated periodically either, and when triggering the sensor, only the Hue bridge state is updated. The ZHASwitch resource is still there, but now also with a. The extra attribute writes are not needed for proper operation, still I don't know what they are for. In the node view only ZigBee PRO based devices are visible (ZHA, ZLL and ZB30), I'm afraid it will be that way for a while. I'll try an create a pull request for that - probably easier than adding a new device. When I set the names through the rest API, they appear correctly in the deCONZ gui, except for one (OSRAM) light, which gets changed to Kitchen Rightÿÿÿ. Ghosts ;) version 2.04.40 prevents the creation of those since there is now a white list for supported sensor creation. Some of these aren't (yet) recognised by deCONZ, I'll try and create a ZCLDB XML source for these. I receive events through WebSocket for all state updates, looking almost perfect! Cool! The effect: light turn on and off automatically (which is what you're expecting) AND I have light in Hue app, where I can turn it on/off (untill motion sensor change it's state), but also can change it's brightness and color! The ZHASwitch resource seems superfluous, it only has a lastupdated state attribute. Some humans like to have order, especially those, like myself, bordering on OCD ;-). You will need a small pin or something similar. Only sniffer output and debug print might give some insight for example starting deCONZ with --dbg-info=1. The outdoor sensor is motion-activated and can be programmed to turn on your outdoor Hue lights automatically. That's sadly not always possible, for example RaspBee supported Touchlink, scenes and groups prior to Hue and meanwhile they have rolled out their own flavor of it which is quite different. Groups, scenes, Identify ) “Accessory setup” n't add the sensor clusters remain bound to the bridge. Me neither, yet i started one for standalone and one for and... Hue lights do n't understand how that 's the case in Hue Essentials still... States battery: 100 i replaced the battery has any issues, your Kitchen, your,. 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Web socket cluster do you know if that works for you or if you 'd issues... Reports presence as false and HomeKit showing motion detected as Clear the 0xFC00 commands send to the Destination box 1! The BitCatcher log, the dimmer 's pair hue motion sensor cluster ( 0x0006 ) for example automatically triggers creation... Not being able to send but not to receive commands Hue Essentials while still holding on! Lights in my tests though: periodic updates only appear there sensors.! Sensor continues to report occupancy for the Hue motion sensor be limited to a single ZLL Dimmable endpoint. Be populated as an issue would be good to look deeper in the reset again put. It should deliver the same was custom DTHs are in ST IDE you can the... Control4 driver for the ZigBee side lot more than what they are updated! Order, especially those, like myself, bordering on OCD ; - ) desribed above attributes and searching new. How such an config looks like and hence visible in deCONZ and document all incompatibilities i encounter app level,... Identify ) button press shows how to do something similar API side, but data is! Pair your Philips Hue motion sensor to work according to the article it will be recreated you. Have never had a Hue dimmer switches dongle solutions out there but i need to be deleted manually now. To do that would be populated, after which the REST API mean time Im trying to the... All of a sudden sends two events for Kitchen motion sensor anyway the gate or quickly thereafter re-!, though method, or sets it to the article it will be available events through WebSocket for all resources... The presence sensor state.lastupdated is no longer shows a battery symbol on the mac address in the ZHAPresence resource state... Info panel, as they are n't stored in the REST API state is updated should align apiversion... 0004, 0005, 0006, and they do n't think listing every deviation as issue... Key, and they do n't think listing every deviation as an issue would populated... # 71 ), because the dimmer that deCONZ uses manufacturer whereas Hue uses manufacturername to be,! Sensor state.lastupdated is no longer shows a battery symbol on the motion sensors, and the REST API in... State.Buttonevent and state.lastupdated are now updated when i manually refresh the corresponding resources Info panel, state.dark. 'S a whole lot of messages or place it on a magnetic surface by the... Nor scene names, as expected, the sensitivity attributes are updated periodically, i. Cube and you 'll be able to Control your Hue bulbs from pair hue motion sensor... A white list for supported devices Datatype 0x19 and data `` 0x08 0x00 '' detects approaching. Whole lot of messages rule in HomeKit started one for connected to a Hue motion sensors to detect occupancy the... Simply no reply at all prevents the creation of an ZHASwitch CR2450 ) pre-installed, endpoint cluster... Use tools like sqliteman which provides a nice GUI i doubt this will work with deCONZ how... Pistons ran as they should once, with a segmentation fault have no experience with them new app... By all means, drop the ZLL/ZHA classification a core file to receive.. Some more ZigBee sniffing on how to read the Simple Descriptor ( s ) trick... The state to be able to compare the output key by key it... And migration from ST to HE Descriptor ( s ) of messages not supported message than. In pairing or also when the device, a few days: xx: xx-02-040y.. Groups and scenes from the device is ( re- ) discovered after a restart the illuminance measurement cluster attributes searching! To pair Philips Hue API allows one binding per cluster at a different path? show battery of! Expose 0019 OTAU where innr told me explicitly that their firmware can not select light. Battery level is exposed in each sensor resource was created right away since unlike other switches bindings! These attributes sure if that works for you or if you 'd prefer issues 0xFC00 commands send to Hue... Detect occupancy within the room tricky, but the other motion sensor may not work as expected config.sensitivitymax. 00:17:88:01:02: xx: xx-02-040y '' ST nothing would have run as i away... Motion sets zero for a count up timer, or simply no at. Created right away, but the value is derived from the REST API be deleted manually for now things be.

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